TMI Tuesday: February 14, 2012

It’s the Half-naked-winged-man-in-his-undies-carrying-a-bow-and-arrow day.


Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or think it’s a consumer-oriented, manipulative and shallow interpretation of romance, just have yourself some fun by answering these TMI Tuesday questions.

1. Cupid is the god of desire, affection, and erotic love. As the myth goes, a person who is shot by Cupid’s arrow is filled with uncontrollable desire. On your behalf, who would you like Cupid to shoot?

2. Earlier in the evening you had dinner at the Fook Yue Chinese Restaurant. You are feeling quite amorous. You open a fortune cookie in the bedroom. Three fortunes appear:
1- “Your patience will be rewarded.”  What would you like that reward to be?
2- “Try something new.”  What is the something new you want to try?
3- ” ’tis better to give than receive.”  What would you like to give?

3. If you were to write a special Valentine message (e.g., card, letter, etc.) what is that message?

4. Are you doing something special for Valentine’s day or is it just another day?

5. You must give chocolate to your secret Valentine for Valentine’s Day. The chocolate is in the shape of your what?

You can make your own valentine heart candy. What is your message? (Go to this link. Create your candy. Post the generated Valentine candy on your blog).


How to play TMI Tuesday: Copy the above TMI Tuesday questions to your webspace (i.e., a blog). Answer the questions there, then leave a comment below, on this blog post, so we’ll all know where to read your responses. Please don’t forget to link to tmituesdayblog from your website!

Happy TMI Tuesday!

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41 Responses to TMI Tuesday: February 14, 2012

  1. advizor54 says:

    I’ll play along….

  2. i’m up…and i’m single

    R.I.P. WHIT

  3. im scheduled to go live ready for mindnight GMT

    (and yes…. far toooooo much information being shared, but you knew that, right?)

  4. John says:

    Back for more and this one is painful for me I detest the day but if you want to see me suffer at Midnight GMT

  5. Andee says:

    I will definitely be sharing my own thoughts on these…

  6. I posted a day early because I will be not with a PC later tonight and most of tomorrow.
    Here it is:
    Have a great Valentine’s Day people!

  7. Luna Moon says:

    I’ll be up at 4am on Tuesday!

  8. V says:

    I’ll be up at midnight Eastern. How come it says January 14? ;P


  9. kazigrrl says:

    I am scheduled to be up at midnight EST (GMT -5.00)… as usual I take a tongue-in-cheek view… 😉

    ~Kazi xxx

  10. Pingback: Dragon's Kink - TMI Tuesday: Happy Valentine’s Day!!

  11. Illicit Kiss says:

    I’ll play… It’s 1 AM here so Happy V-Day!

  12. atiyaluv says:

    Happy Valentines Day to everyone! *hugs*
    Happy TMI

  13. Pingback: 2/14/12 Todays TMI « trblemaker

  14. Brains, chocolate, sex and money… Submissions’ TMI Valentine is UP!!!
    Enjoy everybody

  15. Virtual Sinner says:

    Late off the mark today, but I’m here.

  16. Dru says:

    A bit but I finally played after a month’s absence Happy Valentine’s Day and TMI Tuesday

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